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Tyranny and Manipulation: A Game Masters Secret Weapon
Code: 4WF215
SRP: $24.99
Cost: please inquire
It happens with every experienced gaming group. As Game Master, you can’t put your players up against a creature of appropriate CR without hearing them accurately estimating its AC, hp, and special defenses. Throw a high CR monster at them and you might be serving them XP on a silver platter or ing a Total Party Kill. It isn’t your fault. It isn’t your players’ fault either. Invariably a group that plays together a long time learns the game better. You can accept this and watch your encounters get decimated. You can move on to a different game, kissing your shelf of gaming books and the money you invested in them goodbye for now. Or, you can break out the secret weapons.Tyranny and Manipulation – A Game Master’s Secret Weapons, is a new weapon for your GMing arsenal. Featuring rules to change the landscape of every encounter, even your veteran players will be scrambling to keep up with your unpredictable challenges. Run encounters like never before usin
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