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At Hall or Nothing Productions Ltd we are dedicated to delivering world-class, thematic games where quality cannot be compromised.
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Available Now from Dice Habit

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Doomtown: There Comes A Reckoning Trunk

Code: AEG05919
Doomtown: There Comes A Reckoning Trunk

SRP: $59.99
Cost: please inquire
Now YOU can harness the power of the Servitors: Ezekiah Grimme (Famine), Raven (War), Darius Hellstromme (Pestilence), or Jasper Stone (Death)!

These Legends trade starting wealth in exchange for power. You now have the option to attach a Servitor to your Outfit’s home in order to enable far-reaching strategies. Keep in mind though that evil in Deadlands is always a choice, and always comes with a price!

Doomtown: Reloaded is a fast‑paced expandable card game set in the Deadlands™ universe of gun slingin’, spell slingin’ and mud-slingin’! Use poker hands and card pulls for everything from gunfights to summoning abominations.

The There Comes a Reckoning Expansion is packaged in the Doomtown Trunk: a sturdy cardboard box designed to hold all your cards from the Doomtown: Reloaded base set and expansions. It also has dividers to help you stay organized!

The overall dimensions of the Doomtown Trunk are roughly 11 x 11 x 4 inches.
FREE FREIGHT for Qualified Store Orders!