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Doomtown: Welcome to Deadwood Pinebox Expansion

Code: AEG05926
Doomtown: Welcome to Deadwood Pinebox Expansion

SRP: $39.99
Cost: please inquire
A small, determined posse moves on from Gomorra and Tombstone, riding toward their destiny in a boomtown surrounded by the Black Hills of the Dakota badlands. Meanwhile, Jonah Essex continues to flee powerful enemies. Is he prepared for an unexpected welcome to Deadwood?

Following the recent Tombstone Trilogy (Too Tough to Die, Out for Blood, Hell’s Comin’ With Me), the Doomtown story now moves to Deadwood, South Dakota. Welcome to Deadwood is Pine Box Entertainment’s fifth expansion for Doomtown, (previously Doomtown: Reloaded expandable card game). The expansion is compatible with all previous cards. The 4 copies of 56 new cards include historical places and people including Seth Bullock, Al Swearengen, The Gem Theater, and the No. 10 Saloon.

**This product is an expansion, the base game is required to play.**
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